Do you know the rest of that opening line to one of the biggest hit songs of the last 40 years? In case you don't, here's the famous opening scene of the movie it's associated with: As John Travolta struts down the street, is there any doubt that he's oozing with self-confidence? After all, who wouldn't be feeling good with those clothes and that hair cut?! With the Bee Gee's anthem playing in his head, there seems to be little doubt that this guy (and his can of paint) are ready for anything - especially the evening's disco dancing competition! Certain songs have a way of getting us psyched up and ready to face life's challenges. Maybe you have a "go-to" sound track that helps to prepare you for battle - be it a dance battle, a battle on the playing field, or the battle of the bulge in the gym. Music has a way of getting your adrenaline pumping! This Sunday, August 10th, we'll be continuing our "Songs of Summer" series with Psalm 40 - a Song of Confidence. David was able to face the challenge of some serious foes because he had confidence in God's presence and faithfulness. It's something that all of us need and I hope you'll be able to join us. Update from Lily Darwood, YWAMDear Church Family,
As many of you know I am in Kona, Hawaii, studying at University of the Nations, YWAM (Youth with a Mission.) I am experiencing God in a way I never thought I could reach. My journey so far has been quick but yet satisfying. I can not explain all of my adventures unfortunately at this time. But I am so overjoyed to show you what I have done when I return home. If you don't know, I am going to be sharing Gods word in the land of Brazil! I am so excited and fearful all at the same time. The Lord has been shaping my heart and helping me understand the important role I am playing in Brazil. I leave September 19th until November 21st. For the first month I will be deep in the Amazon in a remote village. Preaching to churches and putting on VBS for the children there. We are focusing on the relationship with the people of the village. The second month we will be in Rio, working with a sex trafficking organization that teaches about The Lord. This experience has been so monumental to my relationship with Jesus. I want it to continue all the way through. So what I am asking of the church is money support. I need about $5000 to go on my mission. But anything is super appreciated and if The Lord puts on your heart that giving to my cause is what he wants for you that's wonderful! But if not I really just ask for prayers and I love phone calls! It would mean the world to me. I would hate for something as little as money to keep me from going on this trip with Jesus. If you would like to contribute to my outreach needs, you can give a check to my mother made payable to "Jenny Darwood" and she will see that it is applied to my account. Thank you all for all of your love and support! I am so blessed for every single one of you! I miss you all! See you soon! God Bless, Lily Darwood Please keep Lily, Ellie Palmberg, and all of the YWAM students and staff in your prayers as they face the impact of Hurricane Iselle. Comments are closed.
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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