Tuesday Morning Men's Breakfast
Our men meet each Tuesday mornings from 6:15-7:30 AM for a hearty breakfast and a time in God's Word. Gene Westlund is the facilitator for this group that has between 15-25 guys that attend from all walks of life, high school seniors to grandfathers. The fellowship in the group is rich. We begin with breakfast, open with prayer and take prayer requests not only from within the group but from outside sources who know the value of this group coming together in the name of the Lord. If you are interested please contact Gene Westlund.
Work Warriors
One Saturday a month a group of men meet at the church for a short devotional along with coffee and donuts. They then work for a couple of hours on projects around the church and church mobile homes. Plans are underway to expand this to serving those in our community as well.
If you are interested please contact Keith Larsen or Mike Kedrowski.
If you are interested please contact Keith Larsen or Mike Kedrowski.