You've probably experienced being with someone and realizing that you don't see eye-to-eye on a subject. While there may be a number of reasons for your differing opinions, it often comes down to having very different ways you each look at the world. This worldview usually comes to us through the influence of other people/society and the experiences we've had. Some people actually celebrate the idea that individuals can arrive at polar opposite worldviews and will say that both of those views are equally valid and true. Meanwhile, there are others who will make the claim that only their way of looking at the world is correct way. What do we do with this? As followers of Jesus, we are called to believe, think and act as he did. Foundationally to Jesus' worldview was the conviction that all scripture is the word of God and the guide for all faith, doctrine and conduct. That means that Christians should approach life with a Biblical Worldview. This Sunday, February 7th, we'll be returning to our series "FreeWay: Amazing Grace and a Life of Freedom". We'll be considering common worldviews we'll encounter and how we may have been influenced by them and what we need to do to get back in line with a Biblical Worldview. I hope you'll be able to join us. Communion and Crisis Fund collection this SundayOur church crisis fund was established in order for us to be able to help people within our congregation and community who find themselves in need. Each year we've been able to distribute thousands of dollars to assist in paying bills and meet other unexpected challenges. The crisis fund depends primarily on special contributions from members of our congregation with only a small part coming from our general fund.
This Sunday we'll have baskets out following the service for the Crisis Fund. Please consider making a special contribution. You can write a check with a note designating it to the crisis fund and drop it by the church or place it into the offering. You can also give online by following this link and designating "Crisis Fund" in the giving type. Thanks for helping us to help those in need. |
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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