How good are you at keeping a secret? I'm talking about really good news that others would love to know about - the kind of information that will make them outrageously happy. Kristen Wiig played an overly-excited character named Aunt Sue in a Saturday Night Live skit a few years ago. Click on the picture below to watch her struggle to contain herself. As wonderful as the news of a surprise party may be, you and I have the best news ever: God loves everyone and has made a way for people to be forgiven; given a brand new, eternal life; and be filled with real purpose and hope! Why would we ever hesitate to tell others that kind of good news?! And yet, we too often find ourselves avoiding telling anyone... This Sunday, June 1st, we're going to decide to TELL! And it will start with the easiest audience around: your church family. A large part of the service will feature open microphones and an invitation to tell a brief story from your life - how the decisions you made allowed God to write a wonderful chapter in your life. Begin now to pray and consider what story from your life you will share with the rest of us in order to praise the Lord and all that he has done. We will conclude the morning with the celebration of the Lord's Supper which points us to the greatest story ever told! I hope to see you there! Family Dinner & A Movie! Saturday, June 7th 4-7:30 pm Everyone is invited to a delightful spaghetti dinner, Disney movie and fun discussion. Consider inviting a neighbor family and join us even if you don't have young children. This is a wonderful chance to interact with the children in our congregation and build relationships across the generations. Look for sign-ups in the church Fellowship Hall or contact Mandy Schmekel for more information. On June 8th we'll be celebrating the baptisms of a number of people within our church family as a part of the worship. I want to open this up to anyone else who would also like to be baptized on that day. If you're interested in talking about this, please let me know. Vacation Bible School is coming July 14-18
You can register your child and sign up to volunteer at the display in the Fellowship Hall or contact Mandy Schmekel. Have you ever been scared to try something new? Perhaps you've been reluctant to try a new food or try an activity or go to an event. There are any number of things that we may feel reluctant to try out - and some of those are probably wise to avoid. But not all of them. Spend a few minutes with An and Ria, a couple of elderly Dutch women, as they try something they've never experienced before: flying on an airplane. Life can be enhanced by new experiences like this. But more than simply trying something new, there are times when God calls us to take a step of faith and follow him into a potentially scary, new direction. That's when we have a decision to make: will we play it safe and stay put or will we follow God's lead into an unknown future? This Sunday, we'll take a look at a story in the life of Abram (later known as Abraham) and how he responded to God calling him to take a huge step of faith. Are you listening and responding to God's call? I hope you'll be able to join us. On June 8th we'll be having at least one baptism as a part of the worship. I wanted to open this up to anyone else who would also like to be baptized on that day. If you're interested in talking about this, please let me know. Family Dinner & A Movie!
Saturday, June 7th 4-7:30 pm Everyone is invited to a delightful spaghetti dinner, Disney movie and fun discussion. Consider inviting a neighbor family and join us even if you don't have young children. This is a wonderful chance to interact with the children in our congregation and build relationships across the generations. Look for sign-ups in the church Fellowship Hall or contact Mandy Schmekel for more information. When I was a child I had no problem accepting whatever my parents told me as a fact. Some of that could be credited to the concrete, "black and white" thinking of a child. A lot of it had to do with the trust that I placed in my parents. As our ability to reason develops, we all begin to see the various "shades of gray" in life and begin to think critically about things. However, in our world of instant information and the lightning speed of things spreading around the internet, too many of us are tempted to slip back into the world of assumption. After all, if it appears to be true (or lines up with what we want to believe is true), we gobble it up as truth. But, hold on a minute... take a look at this video. It's important for each of us to be willing to slow down and take the time to confirm that what we've heard is actually true. Otherwise, we might find ourselves wandering down the wrong path -- and spreading the false story leading to other people doing the same.
This Sunday, May 18th, we'll be celebrating with nine of our young people who have spent the past school year seeking to confirm that what they've been taught since childhood makes sense to them and is worth their pursuit as disciples of Jesus. That's what Confirmation is all about: learning about God's love and redeeming work through Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word and what we believe as followers of Jesus. I hope you'll be able to join us and celebrate the completion of this year of learning as well as to continue to cheer on these young people as a part of the "great cloud of witnesses" as they continue in "the race set out before us" (Hebrews 12:1-2). We'll also get to hear from Joe and Stephanie Riley who will share about their upcoming time of service at the Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. One of the most famous movie scenes/speeches of the last 20 years is William Wallace's (Mel Gibson) from the film "Braveheart". In it, the Scots are faced with the strength of the English army which has come to beat down their fight for freedom from their cruel and unfair rule. The odds are greatly against them. What will they do? Check out the film clip. There are times when staying in a difficult, challenging situation seems too hard - especially when running away would be so much easier. But what story will your decision tell down the line? Jesus never promised his followers (which include you and me) that life would be easy and without trials. In fact, he promised the opposite! I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!” John 16:33 This Sunday, May 11th, we'll be continuing our series "My Story" with the focus on "I decided to STAY". In the face of what challenge in your life is God telling you to stay and work it through with His wisdom and strength? I hope you'll be able to join us. On June 8th we'll be having at least one baptism as a part of the worship. I wanted to open this up to anyone else who would also like to be baptized on that day. If you're interested in talking about this, please let me know. What are the first words that come to your mind after reading the title of this post? Well, if you're of a certain age, it's probably the lyric of the following song: It's a great song -- as they used to say on American Bandstand, "It's got a great beat and it's easy to dance to." What more could you ask for?!
Have you thought about the lyrics to this song? They're from the point of a girl who realizes that her man is cheating on her and is pleading for him to stop (in the name of love). It seems that Diana and the Supremes shouldn't look quite as happy as they do singing these lines. As we've begun talking in our new sermon series, "My Story", each of our lives tell a story that is written by the decisions we make. The goal that should drive those decisions is to be able to tell a great story that we're proud of and that God has helped to author. Last week we were challenged to decide to START something that would help us to grow closer to God, allowing Him to take our life story in a positive direction. This Sunday we'll be challenged to STOP some action or attitude that is keeping us from the great story God has intended for us. Some of us may have obvious things we should stop (like the person Diana Ross is addressing in the song). But maybe there is a seemingly harmless or even good thing that we're doing that is keeping us from God's best. Take some time to quietly consider what the Holy Spirit may be encouraging you to stop. We'll be looking at a story from the life of Moses this week. I hope you'll be able to join us. |
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
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