If you drive past the church you'll see a sign that indicates that there will be "NO WORSHIP SERVICE" this Sunday, August 21st. Don't bother showing up, since no one will be there. Instead, at 9:00 AM we'll be meeting at the Twisp Community Center along with the congregation from Cascade Bible Church. We'll pray, divide into project teams, and go out to serve people for a couple of hours. What kinds of things will the teams be doing? There will be a number of projects involving cleaning up yards and gardens. One group will be dismantling a snow-damaged mobile home. A group will be helping the Kiwanis club put in a sand volleyball pit at the high school. Some will be butchering a pig and wrapping up the meat to give to The Cove for distribution. There will even be a group holding a $1 carwash (in which we'll be paying people for letting us serve them!). For any who feel unable to do physical work, a group will be meeting at CBC for prayer. Come with some gardening gloves, weeding tools, a weed whacker if you've got one, and a willingness to jump in and help where you're needed. Our goal for Sunday is two-fold:
AT 5:30 that evening we'll meet together in the Twisp Park for a potluck picnic. Burgers and hotdogs along with lemonade will be provided. Bring lawn chairs, place settings, and a dish to share. We'll enjoy fellowship and have time to share our experiences from the day. I hope you'll be able to join us as we seek to be water, light, and salt in our community. Sunday School Teachers NeededIn only a few weeks the kids will be heading back to school - and that includes Sunday School! In order to provide the best learning opportunity, we need a team of adults willing to invest in the spiritual growth of our children.
Here's a word from Mandy Schmekel: Hello Church Family. It’s that time of year again, Back to School! It’s also back to our Sunday School classrooms, where kids can be taught the word of God specific to their age level. We are excited for the new year and are looking for more teachers to join our team! Here are a list of our needs, and there are many. We ask that you seriously consider and pray about teaching our kids at CCC. We have an amazing group of kids! Maybe you’ve taught before, and maybe you’ve never even considered it?! Either way…we ask that you prayerfully consider being a part of our children’s program. The more teachers we have, the less work and preparation there is for one or two people. Believe it or not…you will actually be BLESSED by working with these young ones of ours. If you don’t know them well already, you are missing out…and here is your big chance to get to know them and to plant the word of Christ in their hearts and in their lives forever. And who knows…you may be the one they tag on Facebook or whatever is around in 10 years saying this is the Sunday school teacher I will always remember who made a difference in my life! :) Here is a list of age groups and how many teacher roles we need to fill: *Pre-school-Kindergarten (3yrs-5yrs) : 2-3 Teachers, 2-3 helpers -One teacher, one helper every Sunday. If we have 3 teachers, they can rotate how ever they choose. Every 3rd Sunday, Every 3rd month, etc) *1st-2nd Grade: 2-3 Teachers, 2-3 helpers -One teacher, one helper every Sunday. If we have 3 teachers, they can rotate how ever they choose. Every 3rd Sunday, Every 3rd month, etc) *3rd-6th Grade: 12 sets of 2 Teachers for a 4 week chunk of time (may choose an 8 or 12 week as well). -This is the older elementary group of kids. We do this group a little differently. We have several curriculums to choose from and we have teachers choose the curriculum and commit to a 4 week chunk of time to teach. We have a calendar to sign up for the 4 weeks that they choose from September-June. So we need 12 pairs of teachers for this age group to commit to a 4 week chunk of time and may also choose to do 8 or 12 weeks. As you can see, we have many needs for teachers this year. Please prayerfully consider teaching this year! The more people that volunteer, the easier it will be on all of us…and most of all, more of you will get to know these amazing kids that are growing up in our church! We are the village! Thank you for supporting our kids. Blessings, Mandy Schmekel *If you have any questions and would like to talk with me, please call me anytime at 997-0595. Bless you! Calling me at home is the best way to reach me! :) I often miss emails…. One of my favorite Christian music videos is for the song "Shine" by the Newsboys. I love the song and the video is a visual funhouse! Take a look. The lyrics are a bit hard to follow if you aren't familiar with the song, but the chorus goes: Shine! Make 'em wonder what you've got If you want to read the rest of the lyrics, click here This Sunday, August 14th, we'll continue with our series "BE the Church" as we consider what Jesus meant when he said that we are "the light of the world". What does it mean to shine in our community? I hope you'll be able to join us. Sunday, August 21st, we won't be gathering in our building to hold a worship service. Instead, we'll be going out into our community to worship by serving!
At 9:00 that morning, we'll meet at the Twisp Community Center along with the congregation from Cascade Bible Church. We'll pray and then go out in teams to complete different projects for the elderly, the needy, friends, strangers, and our entire community. All of this will be done as a free gift to demonstrate God's love in practical ways - a perfect way to be "water, light, and salt"! At 5:30 PM that evening we'll be having a picnic potluck in the Twisp Park to share stories and celebrate the opportunity to BE the church together. Bring lawn chairs, place settings, and a dish to share. Water parks are a major draw around the country at this time of year. My family has enjoyed spending the day at Slide Waters in Chelan -- in fact a trip there is my 24-year-old son's birthday wish! A feature that's been added to many parks is a giant bucket that fills with 100+ gallons of water and then tips over to dump it's contents on the happily screaming folks below. In John 7:38 Jesus said: All around us every day, there are people we know and care about who a spiritually thirsty. The living water that they need is found in a relationship with Jesus, but they either don't know that or don't understand that they need it and will greatly benefit from it. That's where we come in. This Sunday, August 7th, we'll be beginning a new sermon series entitled "Be the Church". We'll be talking about how Jesus has called us to bring others water, light, and salt -- all for the purpose of pointing people to a relationship with him. I hope you'll be able to join us. Celebration BBQ for Tim and Melinda this Sunday![]() Plan on joining us for a celebration of Tim, Melinda, and Anika and the ministry that they've shared among us over the past 4 years. Following worship this Sunday, August 7th, we'll enjoy a BBQ potluck and a time to thank them and wish them God's best as they head off to the next chapter of their lives over in the Skagit Valley. You're encouraged to write out a note of appreciation and blessing as we say "so long for now". Sunday, August 21st, we won't be gathering in our building to hold a worship service. Instead, we'll be going out into our community to worship by serving!
At 9:00 that morning, we'll meet at the Twisp Community Center along with the congregation from Cascade Bible Church. We'll pray and then go out in teams to complete different projects for the elderly, the needy, friends, strangers, and our entire community. All of this will be done as a free gift to demonstrate God's love in practical ways - a perfect way to be "water, light, and salt"! Although we've identified a number of projects, we're still open to suggestions. If you know of a good project that we could complete in a couple hours that morning, let me know. We'll need to know what specifically needs to be done, what materials/tools will be needed, and how many people would be needed. Who knows what God may choose to do through our serving in Jesus' name? Be in prayer that hearts would be nudged closer to their loving creator. |
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
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