Have you ever struggled with having a really big head? There are times when you slip into an attitude in which you're convinced that you're indispensable to the team or organization. You're certain that you know how everything should be done, who's right and who's wrong, and that everyone else is, at best, a lesser version of you. Basically, you start to believe your own hype. Proverbs 16:18 (MSG) says, First pride, then the crash-- the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. The important thing to remember is that this warning is true for everyone involved. Be careful not to smugly point a condemning finger at someone and then realize that pride has taken root in your own heart. No one looks good walking around with a big head ... other than me, of course ;) This Sunday, January 26th, we'll be continuing our look at the life of Daniel as he sought to live as God's representative in the very oppositional culture of Babylon. We can learn much from not only what Daniel did, but also how he did it. This week we'll be looking at Daniel 4 and a serious ego-induced fall. Take some time to read it and reflect in the coming days. I hope to see you on Sunday. This coming week I'll be traveling to Chicago to gather with fellow Covenant Ministers from around the country. Midwinter is a time for encouragement, training, and refreshment. I'm so very grateful for the opportunity CCC provides me to experience times like this. I appreciate your prayers for safe travel and that my time away will be beneficial in every way. If you would like to get a taste of what I'm experiencing, you can check out the live stream of the evening worship services (5:30 PST) on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday by going to midwinter.covchurch.org IMMERSE: POETSOur next IMMERSE Bible Reading series will begin the week of February 10th. This time we'll be reading the poetry literature of the Old Testament. Over the course of 8 weeks, we'll read the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, and Job. You can pick up a copy of the volume "IMMERSE: POETS" at church for $10 or you can purchase a copy through Amazon (there's also a Kindle version available if you prefer). The benefit of using the IMMERSE volume is that all chapter and verse breaks have been removed so that our reading experience becomes more fluid and similar to the books' original form. IMMERSE volumes also contain informative and helpful introductions to each book which helps to set the context. Each Sunday I'll be selecting the sermon text from within the previous week's reading. Some small groups are being formed to enhance our IMMERSE experience. One of benefits of having two eyes facing forward (unlike most birds and fish) is that we have depth perception. The combined views of each eye help us to determine how far away things are as well as enabling us to more easily catch a ball coming at us. But, as the above picture reminds us, we need to have our eyes open in order for it to work.
Perception can also relate to our understanding. The deeper our understanding, the more wise our actions will be. And if we metaphorically have our "eyes closed", we won't be able to fully understand people or situation. I think we all strive to have depth to our perception. This Sunday, January 12th, we'll continue with our look at how to live as a Jesus-follower in a world that is increasingly post-Christian in it's world view and behavior. God wants us to have 20/20 Vision in which we see with His eyes and love with His heart. This week we'll be looking at Daniel chapter 2. I encourage you to take some time to read it and reflect on wisdom that comes from God. I hope to see you this Sunday. |
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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