In the early 1980's there was a silly TV show called "The Greatest American Hero". The premise was that an average guy put on a special suit which gave him superhuman abilities. Some of you may remember it, although it's biggest influence was it's very catchy theme song ("Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air..."). We're all born with a desire to look up to heroes - whether they're pop culture personalities (athletes, musicians, celebrities) or people who have made great contributions to the world. For many of us, our heroes have been family members or other people who have made a personal impact on our lives. Beyond our tendency to look up to our heroes, we also have a desire to be like them. Gatorade had an entire advertising campaign built around the desire to be as good a basketball player as Michael Jordan ("I wanna be like Mike"). There's nothing wrong with this type of thing as long as your hero is someone worth emulating. That's the issue: are we looking up to and seeking to model ourselves on the right people? This Sunday, July 12, we'll be taking a look at two people Paul holds up in honor in his letter to his friends in Philippi: Timothy and Epaphroditus. Take a minute to read Philippians 2:19-30 and what it was about these people that made them worth treating as heroes. I hope you'll be able to join us. ![]() This week is CHIC 2015 and our teens will be joining 5000 others from around North America (and beyond) in Knoxville, TN. Remember to pray for Tim and the group as they travel on Saturday and have a life-impacting experience at this triennial high school event. If you're interested, you can watch a live stream of the evening sessions (or recordings of them) by going to the CHIC website. Comments are closed.
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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