One of the few things that has kind of bugged me about my wife, Tami, is her tendency to delay gratification. When she receives a letter or card from someone, she often waits for a bit before she opens it and reads it. Likewise, she prefers to take a loooooong time to eat her dessert. In fact, she bought some baby spoons so that she can take microscopic bites of her ice cream. I suppose that's not really a big deal and I should be feel pretty lucky if that's what I have to complain about! Afterall, it's not like she never gets around to opening her mail and I know that she won't take my Christmas gift and put it in a closet to open in a month or two. Interestingly enough, that's what too many people have done with the real gift of Christmas: Jesus. God sacrificially gave the most valuable and life-changing gift we could ever receive, and yet there are some who never get around to opening and experiencing the gift in their lives. This Sunday, December 17th, we'll be looking at John 1:11-13 and talking about how we should receive the gift of Jesus. I hope you'll be able to join us. This Sunday's Worship Celebration will also feature our children performing a Christmas play that they've been working on for the past month or so. In addition, they will be playing some Christmas songs on the bells. LOOKING AHEAD: Christmas Eve Worship ServicesOn Sunday, December 24th, we will have our regular morning Worship Celebration at 10 AM.
That evening at 5 PM will be our Christmas Eve service featuring the story of Jesus' coming to the earth as told through scripture and carols. It will also include our traditional candle lighting ceremony as we remember that the Light of the World arrived to a dark world and has filled us with His light to share with others. I hope you'll be able to join us for this special celebration of the reason for the season. At both the Sunday morning worship and the Christmas Eve service we will have a collection box for our Crisis Fund. We are entering a difficult season of the year in which many people find themselves in need. Our Crisis Fund exists in order to share God's love with those in our congregation and community in practical ways. Consider making a special end-of-the-year gift. Comments are closed.
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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