When I was a child I had no problem accepting whatever my parents told me as a fact. Some of that could be credited to the concrete, "black and white" thinking of a child. A lot of it had to do with the trust that I placed in my parents. As our ability to reason develops, we all begin to see the various "shades of gray" in life and begin to think critically about things. However, in our world of instant information and the lightning speed of things spreading around the internet, too many of us are tempted to slip back into the world of assumption. After all, if it appears to be true (or lines up with what we want to believe is true), we gobble it up as truth. But, hold on a minute... take a look at this video. It's important for each of us to be willing to slow down and take the time to confirm that what we've heard is actually true. Otherwise, we might find ourselves wandering down the wrong path -- and spreading the false story leading to other people doing the same.
This Sunday, May 18th, we'll be celebrating with nine of our young people who have spent the past school year seeking to confirm that what they've been taught since childhood makes sense to them and is worth their pursuit as disciples of Jesus. That's what Confirmation is all about: learning about God's love and redeeming work through Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word and what we believe as followers of Jesus. I hope you'll be able to join us and celebrate the completion of this year of learning as well as to continue to cheer on these young people as a part of the "great cloud of witnesses" as they continue in "the race set out before us" (Hebrews 12:1-2). We'll also get to hear from Joe and Stephanie Riley who will share about their upcoming time of service at the Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. Comments are closed.
Pastor JeffThoughts about living as a Jesus follower and life at Community Covenant Church Archives
December 2020
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