Community Covenant Church Council MeetingMonday, March 09,2020
Present: Al Bisnett, Pastor Jeff Palmberg, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Kelly Alumbaugh, Carrie Stokes, Les Stokes Marcia Butchart.
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm
Pastor Jeff opened in prayer.
Kelly Alumbaugh provided the devotional out of Psalms and Romans 8.
Gene Westlund will do the devotion next council meeting, April 13,2020.
A motion was made to approve the February 10, 2020 minutes, it was seconded, and the minutes were approved.
Facilities report - Mike Kedrowski
1: 8 people are signed up for the first aide classes thus far. Many more interested. Mike will contact Aero Methow this week.
2: AN AED has been found, has a metal case and is a Phillips product. Possible location - just inside the sanctuary near the doors to the fellowship hall. Comes with signage.
3: Insurance policies are being reviewed. A meeting with Wilson Woolschlager, the insurance agent, is being arranged for some time in June to walk the grounds and go over value’s etc.
Treasurer Report – Al Bisnett attachment 1
1: Al went over the financial reports; tithing was up in February which helped make up for the January shortfall. All the expenses were covered. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded motion carried.
2: Al inquired whether all the reports were necessary, council agreed to continue with the Budget vs actual summary, the summary YTD and budget vs actual YTD, the savings report was not needed every month.
3: Motion made to authorize three persons to have the ability to sign checks for the CCC.
These three will be:
1-Jeff Hamer- Council Chairperson
2-Al Bisnett -Treasurer
3-Danielle Sims - Church Secretary.
This will supersede any, and all prior signers. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
River Bank Report- Al Bisnett, Jerry Heller
Town of Twisp is now requiring either /or -
1 “An amended engineers report including an analysis on the downstream hydrological erosion impact with the opinion of thus engineer that the impact would be de minimis (or) An indemnification agreement that is acceptable to the Town that indemnifies and hold the Town harmless in the event that there are any damages or injuries to downstream properties, personal property or persons as a result of the project, and an agreement to be responsible for any damages to the Town’s sanitary sewer systems a result of the project. In addition, the Church would provide evidence of general liability insurance in the amount of 1,000,000 per occurrence with a 2,000,000 aggregate with the Town being named as an additional insured on the policy.” The second option is not an option per the insurance company as it would jeopardize the current policy and no other policy is available.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – attachment 2
1 The Poets sermon series will go through 04-05-2020, which is Palm Sunday.
2 Easter Sunday is the following week, and then
3 Mike Liu might speak on 04-19-2020.
4 Blazing Center would be from April 26th to May 31st.
5 Effective 03-22-2020 Church service will go back to 10:00 am with a teen/adult study at 9:30 am prior to church service.
6 Discussion regarding if CCC should become a Twisp Chamber member-
a-This would promote community between the church and the community.
b- It would also be an avenue to promote church activities such as VBS, Trunk R Treat and other activities.
Motion made for the CCC to join the Twisp Chamber, seconded- passed. The 75.00 would come out of the general fund.
CE Report – CE for March 2020
“This past month I reorganized and updated both the CE Council job description and the CE Director job description to more accurately reflect each position. These need to have council approval.
I met with Naomi about all things CE and briefly met with Jordana and Lisa.
VBS plans are moving right along. Naomi has already filled several key positions.
We will begin using Clearstar for our background checks. This is a much more thorough search than has been used in the past. It is what the Pine Lake Covenant church uses. The cost is approximately $10 per search.
March 22 will begin our 10:00 church service and “One Room Sunday School” for children 6th grade and younger. After the Children’s Message the kids will head to the back for a lesson and then split into age appropriate discussion groups.
Legacy Prayer Partners ~ Praying the Word Around Our Children ~ will be kicking off in the fall. Look for more details this summer.
Please continue to pray for:
God’s direction for our Sunday School program, teachers and VBS in June.
Our three CE directors, as they juggle all of their commitments and struggles.
Families throughout our valley who are going through difficult times.
Thank you!
In Christ,
Missions Report – attachment 3
Adult Ed -none
Financial Controls Committee update: Mike Kedrowski-
Purpose: To place checks and balances in place
Members: Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Al Bisnett, Kelly Rohrer and Janie Westlund. Mike will send out monthly updates
New Membership Committee update- Jeff Hamer
Purpose: To review membership, update qualifications, etc…
Members: Jeff Hamer, Jerry Heller, Marcia Butchart, Pastor Jeff, Suellen White
Job Descriptions Review and Revision
All jobs descriptions need to have a council description attached to the job. Jerry H will write a description and e-mail to all to Chairs to be added to their job description. Council member first- chairperson second.
Revised job descriptions approved: CE, Treasurer both with a few changes- final descriptions with Council member description attached will be e-mailed and made part of the notes once completed.
New Business -
Nominating Committee preparations/concerns- Jerry Heller Attachment 4
Concern: 1: There needs to be more clarity presented to the potential nominee regarding being -1council member first (what that curtails) 2chair position second (job description) by the nominating committee
2: Currently no positions are up this year- the positions need to be staggered so there are always veteran members on the board. Nancy CE and Kelly Youth both elected to run again this year so that those terms would go from 2021-to 2023
Youth Group Planning process -Kelly Alumbaugh attachment 5 and attachment 6
1- Definitive process in planning Youth events and making sure they coordinate with the other church activities
2- List of youth who potentially may attend UNITE next year.
3- Youth going to UNITE will be having fund raising events to help pay for registration and airfare. Need Sweat equity. Possibly a garage sale, work for hire etc. Final costs are not determined yet.
Gene Westlund will do the devotional for April.
Next Council Meeting is April 13th, 6 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm after prayer by Pastor Jeff.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Present: Al Bisnett, Pastor Jeff Palmberg, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Kelly Alumbaugh, Carrie Stokes, Les Stokes Marcia Butchart.
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm
Pastor Jeff opened in prayer.
Kelly Alumbaugh provided the devotional out of Psalms and Romans 8.
Gene Westlund will do the devotion next council meeting, April 13,2020.
A motion was made to approve the February 10, 2020 minutes, it was seconded, and the minutes were approved.
Facilities report - Mike Kedrowski
1: 8 people are signed up for the first aide classes thus far. Many more interested. Mike will contact Aero Methow this week.
2: AN AED has been found, has a metal case and is a Phillips product. Possible location - just inside the sanctuary near the doors to the fellowship hall. Comes with signage.
3: Insurance policies are being reviewed. A meeting with Wilson Woolschlager, the insurance agent, is being arranged for some time in June to walk the grounds and go over value’s etc.
Treasurer Report – Al Bisnett attachment 1
1: Al went over the financial reports; tithing was up in February which helped make up for the January shortfall. All the expenses were covered. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded motion carried.
2: Al inquired whether all the reports were necessary, council agreed to continue with the Budget vs actual summary, the summary YTD and budget vs actual YTD, the savings report was not needed every month.
3: Motion made to authorize three persons to have the ability to sign checks for the CCC.
These three will be:
1-Jeff Hamer- Council Chairperson
2-Al Bisnett -Treasurer
3-Danielle Sims - Church Secretary.
This will supersede any, and all prior signers. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
River Bank Report- Al Bisnett, Jerry Heller
Town of Twisp is now requiring either /or -
1 “An amended engineers report including an analysis on the downstream hydrological erosion impact with the opinion of thus engineer that the impact would be de minimis (or) An indemnification agreement that is acceptable to the Town that indemnifies and hold the Town harmless in the event that there are any damages or injuries to downstream properties, personal property or persons as a result of the project, and an agreement to be responsible for any damages to the Town’s sanitary sewer systems a result of the project. In addition, the Church would provide evidence of general liability insurance in the amount of 1,000,000 per occurrence with a 2,000,000 aggregate with the Town being named as an additional insured on the policy.” The second option is not an option per the insurance company as it would jeopardize the current policy and no other policy is available.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – attachment 2
1 The Poets sermon series will go through 04-05-2020, which is Palm Sunday.
2 Easter Sunday is the following week, and then
3 Mike Liu might speak on 04-19-2020.
4 Blazing Center would be from April 26th to May 31st.
5 Effective 03-22-2020 Church service will go back to 10:00 am with a teen/adult study at 9:30 am prior to church service.
6 Discussion regarding if CCC should become a Twisp Chamber member-
a-This would promote community between the church and the community.
b- It would also be an avenue to promote church activities such as VBS, Trunk R Treat and other activities.
Motion made for the CCC to join the Twisp Chamber, seconded- passed. The 75.00 would come out of the general fund.
CE Report – CE for March 2020
“This past month I reorganized and updated both the CE Council job description and the CE Director job description to more accurately reflect each position. These need to have council approval.
I met with Naomi about all things CE and briefly met with Jordana and Lisa.
VBS plans are moving right along. Naomi has already filled several key positions.
We will begin using Clearstar for our background checks. This is a much more thorough search than has been used in the past. It is what the Pine Lake Covenant church uses. The cost is approximately $10 per search.
March 22 will begin our 10:00 church service and “One Room Sunday School” for children 6th grade and younger. After the Children’s Message the kids will head to the back for a lesson and then split into age appropriate discussion groups.
Legacy Prayer Partners ~ Praying the Word Around Our Children ~ will be kicking off in the fall. Look for more details this summer.
Please continue to pray for:
God’s direction for our Sunday School program, teachers and VBS in June.
Our three CE directors, as they juggle all of their commitments and struggles.
Families throughout our valley who are going through difficult times.
Thank you!
In Christ,
Missions Report – attachment 3
Adult Ed -none
Financial Controls Committee update: Mike Kedrowski-
Purpose: To place checks and balances in place
Members: Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Al Bisnett, Kelly Rohrer and Janie Westlund. Mike will send out monthly updates
New Membership Committee update- Jeff Hamer
Purpose: To review membership, update qualifications, etc…
Members: Jeff Hamer, Jerry Heller, Marcia Butchart, Pastor Jeff, Suellen White
Job Descriptions Review and Revision
All jobs descriptions need to have a council description attached to the job. Jerry H will write a description and e-mail to all to Chairs to be added to their job description. Council member first- chairperson second.
Revised job descriptions approved: CE, Treasurer both with a few changes- final descriptions with Council member description attached will be e-mailed and made part of the notes once completed.
New Business -
Nominating Committee preparations/concerns- Jerry Heller Attachment 4
Concern: 1: There needs to be more clarity presented to the potential nominee regarding being -1council member first (what that curtails) 2chair position second (job description) by the nominating committee
2: Currently no positions are up this year- the positions need to be staggered so there are always veteran members on the board. Nancy CE and Kelly Youth both elected to run again this year so that those terms would go from 2021-to 2023
Youth Group Planning process -Kelly Alumbaugh attachment 5 and attachment 6
1- Definitive process in planning Youth events and making sure they coordinate with the other church activities
2- List of youth who potentially may attend UNITE next year.
3- Youth going to UNITE will be having fund raising events to help pay for registration and airfare. Need Sweat equity. Possibly a garage sale, work for hire etc. Final costs are not determined yet.
Gene Westlund will do the devotional for April.
Next Council Meeting is April 13th, 6 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm after prayer by Pastor Jeff.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Community Covenant Church Council MeetingMonday, February 10, 2020
Present: Al Bisnett, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Marcia Butchart, Carrie Stokes; Guests: Naomi Murray, Teresa Remsberg, Les Stokes
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm
Pastor Jeff Palmberg opened the meeting with prayer.
Mike Kedrowski invited Teresa Remsberg with Aero Methow to discuss CPR classes and an AED. Mike thought it would be wise to have more people in the congregation who knew CPR. Teresa discussed the importance of immediate CPR action (within 10minutes) in the event of a heart attack to keep oxygen in the blood. She also explained that and AED (which could cost anywhere from $800 to 1,300) can great increase survival and decrease long term permanent damage.
The upkeep on an AED is minimal - the lithium batteries would need to be checked monthly but can last up to 12 yrs. The pads need replaced every 2-3 yrs and run around $70 to 110. Some AED providers provide the licensing to order, other providers may require a RN to order the device. AED’s have instructions and are fully automated.
The response time of Aero Methow to an emergency at the CCC could be as much as 20 minutes, a person has 7 minutes of oxygen in the body, so an AED would be beneficial for a heart attack victims and is also covered under the WA state “good Samaritan” law as far as liability.
There are three options for the first aide-CPR
1- Basic hands on CPR (compressions) 1 hr, no cost
2- Full credential CPR - 3.5 hrs, some cost
3- First aid and CPR, 6 hrs, some cost
Mike will find out how many of the congregation would be interested in taking the classes and which ones. He will also get a solid price and possible time slots - Teresa is having knee surgery 02-24-2020. * There are free first aid apps for cell phones. Mike is going to add two more fire extinguishers to the church, get some rechargeable flashlights and fix all the exit signs.
*Motion was made to approve the January 13th, 2020 council minutes, it was seconded, minutes were approved.
River Bank Report - No conclusion yet, Town of Twisp either wants another engineer report verifying that our preventative measures to stop the bank erosion due to the river would have no impact on the adjacent properties for 300 feet down stream of Church property or an Insurance liability policy indemnifying the Town of Twisp for potential downstream damage prior to issuing a permit (this would make the Church responsible for any law suits against the Town of Twisp due to our actions). The Engineer report would cost additional 1,000’s. Al and Jerry are having another meeting with the Town Mayor, public works and town planner.
Treasurer Report – Al requested three items for approval:
1- The correct amount for December’s Tithe was $21,625.67 (there was $3,942.67 improperly posted to Feb 2019 thus the Dec treasury report was incorrect last month) approved and seconded.
2- Would like to have electronic bank statements instead of paper mailed statements. This would decrease the turnaround time in balancing the check book and catching any errors prior to the council meetings. Approved and seconded
3- January financial statement- approved and 2nded
Pastor Jeff’s Report – * attached
B. Fund-raising is needed last time the cost was $1,300-1,400 per person
C. Planning module:
2.Check official calendar
3. Communicate with other missions
4. Final decision prior to promoting activity
D. Looking at 1st Saturday in May for a fund-raising yard-sale for UNITE.
CE Report – Per Nancy Friggione (also attached)
Council Report CE for February 2020
VBS starter curriculum has been purchased.
Mike Kedrowski put up a divider curtain in the CE room. Thank you, Mike!
I will let Naomi and Jeff P. fill you in on the start time discussion that the CE staff has had this week.
Please continue to pray for:
God’s direction as far as our Sunday School program and teachers, VBS in June, our three CE directors, as they juggle all of their commitments and struggles. Families throughout our valley who are going through difficult times.
Missions Report –Gene Westlund (attached)
In January we received an update letter from Pacific Missionary Aviation. They were remembering and celebrating the life and vision of Pastor Edmund Kalau who founded PMA. His daughter spoke:
“Thanks, Dad, for all you have done by God’s grace, strength and direction. He used you to touch so many lives not only on Guam, but also, especially in Micronesia, the Philippines, U.S.A. and Europe. You have touched and inspired so many like me – and I will be forever grateful to the Lord for allowing me to take active part in your life, your dream, your vision—and now continuing the legacy of “Bringing Hope and Changing Lives” for eternity. To God be the Glory!” Melinda
We communicated with Becci and Kathy with the Nicolas School and reaffirmed our commitment to support Andreas until he graduates in 2021. They are always looking for those to come alongside students with scholarships. One of our small groups supported a student until he graduated. Anyone interested??
January 6th, we wired $600 to David and Edna Daniels in Pakistan which we do each quarter, so they receive $200 per month. Toward the end of January, we had a special gift come in for the Daniels and were able to wire them an additional $1,000. They are so grateful.
One of our dear missionary couples, Paul and Grisela Eklund, are dealing with severe cancer. Grisela is struggling through heavy chemo treatments. Some couples from our church are visiting, caring for and praying with them to stay strong in the Lord and asking for healing. They are working with a young couple from Honduras to assist with the Lightshine Vision.
Coach’s Corner in Twisp continues to reach out locally in various ways. As a church we support their work with prayer and $50 a month.
We are in prayer for CareNet who we support in prayer and with $100 a month as they are major players in the battle against CSE (Comprehensive Sex Education) in our schools.
January 2020 new business follow up
1- Membership Committee proposal
Form a committee to review our membership requirements, the bylaws and update membership rolls. Chairperson has authority to appoint committee.
Motioned and seconded
2- Council job descriptions
Church service will return to 10am effective April 5th, 2020, Adult Sunday School can still meet early after April if there is interest
A. Naomi Murray spoke representing the Sunday School
1. The purposes for early Sunday School
a. To equip parents with parenting tools
b. Allow Sunday School teachers to be in Church service
c. Encourage more teachers if they do not miss Church
2. After surveying the parents, there is not enough motivation to bring their children early to
Sunday school.
3. There is still an issue getting volunteers to teach
4. Junior Church takes less volunteers but is more difficult due to the broad range of ages- no individual age teaching and curriculum complications.
Motioned and seconded
Marcia is officially our local Chaplain.
New Business:
Internal Controls and accounting practices committee proposal
Purpose: find a more robust system for our church handling of money and data, it is not fair to the church secretary to have to deal with all of it, original bylaws secretary did not have control over the money.
Committee: Come up with best practices and guidelines to handle the churches money and data.
Goal: Establish a permanent Procedure system with checks and balances Chair will appoint the committee
Motioned and seconded
Mike K could Chair, Al Bisnett on committee, possible members Kelly Rohrer, Scott Larson, Heidi Kedrowski. Church Secretary will have a voice in the process.
Bulletin Inserts
Concept: Put council agenda in bulletin Sunday prior to meeting and put summary of council highlights in 2 weeks after meeting.
Purpose: Solicit more information to congregation, venue for open communication and procure more involvement and input from congregation
Kelly Alumbaugh will do the devotional for March.
Next Council Meeting on March 09, 2020, 6 pm
Closing prayer: Pastor Jeff
Meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Present: Al Bisnett, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Marcia Butchart, Carrie Stokes; Guests: Naomi Murray, Teresa Remsberg, Les Stokes
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm
Pastor Jeff Palmberg opened the meeting with prayer.
Mike Kedrowski invited Teresa Remsberg with Aero Methow to discuss CPR classes and an AED. Mike thought it would be wise to have more people in the congregation who knew CPR. Teresa discussed the importance of immediate CPR action (within 10minutes) in the event of a heart attack to keep oxygen in the blood. She also explained that and AED (which could cost anywhere from $800 to 1,300) can great increase survival and decrease long term permanent damage.
The upkeep on an AED is minimal - the lithium batteries would need to be checked monthly but can last up to 12 yrs. The pads need replaced every 2-3 yrs and run around $70 to 110. Some AED providers provide the licensing to order, other providers may require a RN to order the device. AED’s have instructions and are fully automated.
The response time of Aero Methow to an emergency at the CCC could be as much as 20 minutes, a person has 7 minutes of oxygen in the body, so an AED would be beneficial for a heart attack victims and is also covered under the WA state “good Samaritan” law as far as liability.
There are three options for the first aide-CPR
1- Basic hands on CPR (compressions) 1 hr, no cost
2- Full credential CPR - 3.5 hrs, some cost
3- First aid and CPR, 6 hrs, some cost
Mike will find out how many of the congregation would be interested in taking the classes and which ones. He will also get a solid price and possible time slots - Teresa is having knee surgery 02-24-2020. * There are free first aid apps for cell phones. Mike is going to add two more fire extinguishers to the church, get some rechargeable flashlights and fix all the exit signs.
*Motion was made to approve the January 13th, 2020 council minutes, it was seconded, minutes were approved.
River Bank Report - No conclusion yet, Town of Twisp either wants another engineer report verifying that our preventative measures to stop the bank erosion due to the river would have no impact on the adjacent properties for 300 feet down stream of Church property or an Insurance liability policy indemnifying the Town of Twisp for potential downstream damage prior to issuing a permit (this would make the Church responsible for any law suits against the Town of Twisp due to our actions). The Engineer report would cost additional 1,000’s. Al and Jerry are having another meeting with the Town Mayor, public works and town planner.
Treasurer Report – Al requested three items for approval:
1- The correct amount for December’s Tithe was $21,625.67 (there was $3,942.67 improperly posted to Feb 2019 thus the Dec treasury report was incorrect last month) approved and seconded.
2- Would like to have electronic bank statements instead of paper mailed statements. This would decrease the turnaround time in balancing the check book and catching any errors prior to the council meetings. Approved and seconded
3- January financial statement- approved and 2nded
Pastor Jeff’s Report – * attached
- New Immerse “Poet’s series” starting, Feb 16th2020 will go through Palm Sunday. After Easter possibly doing
- CHIC’s new name is UNITE
B. Fund-raising is needed last time the cost was $1,300-1,400 per person
C. Planning module:
2.Check official calendar
3. Communicate with other missions
4. Final decision prior to promoting activity
D. Looking at 1st Saturday in May for a fund-raising yard-sale for UNITE.
CE Report – Per Nancy Friggione (also attached)
Council Report CE for February 2020
VBS starter curriculum has been purchased.
Mike Kedrowski put up a divider curtain in the CE room. Thank you, Mike!
I will let Naomi and Jeff P. fill you in on the start time discussion that the CE staff has had this week.
Please continue to pray for:
God’s direction as far as our Sunday School program and teachers, VBS in June, our three CE directors, as they juggle all of their commitments and struggles. Families throughout our valley who are going through difficult times.
Missions Report –Gene Westlund (attached)
In January we received an update letter from Pacific Missionary Aviation. They were remembering and celebrating the life and vision of Pastor Edmund Kalau who founded PMA. His daughter spoke:
“Thanks, Dad, for all you have done by God’s grace, strength and direction. He used you to touch so many lives not only on Guam, but also, especially in Micronesia, the Philippines, U.S.A. and Europe. You have touched and inspired so many like me – and I will be forever grateful to the Lord for allowing me to take active part in your life, your dream, your vision—and now continuing the legacy of “Bringing Hope and Changing Lives” for eternity. To God be the Glory!” Melinda
We communicated with Becci and Kathy with the Nicolas School and reaffirmed our commitment to support Andreas until he graduates in 2021. They are always looking for those to come alongside students with scholarships. One of our small groups supported a student until he graduated. Anyone interested??
January 6th, we wired $600 to David and Edna Daniels in Pakistan which we do each quarter, so they receive $200 per month. Toward the end of January, we had a special gift come in for the Daniels and were able to wire them an additional $1,000. They are so grateful.
One of our dear missionary couples, Paul and Grisela Eklund, are dealing with severe cancer. Grisela is struggling through heavy chemo treatments. Some couples from our church are visiting, caring for and praying with them to stay strong in the Lord and asking for healing. They are working with a young couple from Honduras to assist with the Lightshine Vision.
Coach’s Corner in Twisp continues to reach out locally in various ways. As a church we support their work with prayer and $50 a month.
We are in prayer for CareNet who we support in prayer and with $100 a month as they are major players in the battle against CSE (Comprehensive Sex Education) in our schools.
January 2020 new business follow up
1- Membership Committee proposal
Form a committee to review our membership requirements, the bylaws and update membership rolls. Chairperson has authority to appoint committee.
- committee will discuss all issues of membership - congregation, members and friends.
- Track membership roll
- Create open communication for ideas.
Motioned and seconded
2- Council job descriptions
- Each Council member is to review and revise their job roles
- Jeff H will ask Danielle to send each member a job description via Word platform.
Church service will return to 10am effective April 5th, 2020, Adult Sunday School can still meet early after April if there is interest
A. Naomi Murray spoke representing the Sunday School
1. The purposes for early Sunday School
a. To equip parents with parenting tools
b. Allow Sunday School teachers to be in Church service
c. Encourage more teachers if they do not miss Church
2. After surveying the parents, there is not enough motivation to bring their children early to
Sunday school.
3. There is still an issue getting volunteers to teach
4. Junior Church takes less volunteers but is more difficult due to the broad range of ages- no individual age teaching and curriculum complications.
- Marcia as Domestic Missionary
Motioned and seconded
Marcia is officially our local Chaplain.
New Business:
Internal Controls and accounting practices committee proposal
Purpose: find a more robust system for our church handling of money and data, it is not fair to the church secretary to have to deal with all of it, original bylaws secretary did not have control over the money.
Committee: Come up with best practices and guidelines to handle the churches money and data.
Goal: Establish a permanent Procedure system with checks and balances Chair will appoint the committee
Motioned and seconded
Mike K could Chair, Al Bisnett on committee, possible members Kelly Rohrer, Scott Larson, Heidi Kedrowski. Church Secretary will have a voice in the process.
Bulletin Inserts
Concept: Put council agenda in bulletin Sunday prior to meeting and put summary of council highlights in 2 weeks after meeting.
Purpose: Solicit more information to congregation, venue for open communication and procure more involvement and input from congregation
Kelly Alumbaugh will do the devotional for March.
Next Council Meeting on March 09, 2020, 6 pm
Closing prayer: Pastor Jeff
Meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Community Covenant Church Council Meeting
Monday, January 13,2020
Present: Al Bisnett, Kelly Alumbaugh, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Marcia Butchart, Carrie Stokes
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm
Pastor Jeff Palmberg provided the devotional from the devotional Luminous by David Beck, Challenge: Are we allowing
Jesus to shine through us? Are we a light to others? Pastor Jeff opened with prayer.
A motion was made to approve the December 9th , 2019 minutes, it was seconded and the minutes were approved.
River Bank Report- Jerry H and Al B expect to know more next meeting regard the SEPA permit that they are working
with the Town of Twisp on.
Treasurer Report – Al explained the summary report along with budget vs monthly and budget vs actual. Next month
there will be an adjustment column added to the summary sheet.(attached)
A motion was made to approve the December Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded and the motion carried.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – Current sermon series goes through Feb 9th. 02.16.20 will be the beginning the next Immerse
series “Poets”. Pastor will be attending the mid winter Pastor’s conference in Chicago the last week of Jan, 2020.
Discussion regarding fill in speakers. Mike Liu would like to speak on his last trip to India at some point.
CE Report – The children are playing the bells during the Advent season. Prayer Kids will be starting up again in the
spring. An adult from the congregation is matched with a child for prayer. VBS next year will be June 22-28. A CE
Commission meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 6:30pm. Nancy asked for prayers for the three CE directors and
for families in our church going through difficult times.
Missions Report –In December we were privileged to see pictures of the finished bathrooms at Los Ninos Con Fe
orphanage. Our church was faithful with a love offering for this project raising $ 8,700 for its completion. At the end of
the year we were blessed with a budget surplus. We were able to give $1500 to David and Edna Dalton toward heir new
orphanage building project. They are hoping to at least double their current capacity. We gave $500 to Lightshine for
the training of orphan caregivers, $300 to CareNet to assist in caring for and discipling young women who are in a
pregnancy crisis and $200 to Coach’s Corner for outreach to our local community.
We have recently received reports from the Alverts we support in Alaska, Steve Newton flying in Micronesia, the Daltons
in Pakistan and the Nicholas School in Guatemala. Everyone is grateful for our help but all these ministries face
continuing challenges. May God continue to guide us and help us to do our part. (attached)
Adult Ed - Jeff and Danielle initiated an orientation with me. At that meeting on 12-4-19, we discussed a few ideas to
explore about additional options for adult education:
Planning meeting times with people who can’t come to church on Sunday, Having a Bible Study in a public place to advance evangelism, Lisa Whatley and I have an appointment for Tuesday, January 14, so I can observe the operation of MOYO and discuss, further AE in that venue.
On Sunday, Susie Larson asked if I would attend the CE meeting this past Wednesday. They are taking another look at Sunday School for parents, perhaps offering optional classes. At the meeting, I proposed a class in 2 the Motivational Gifts as described in Romans 12 which helps people to understand their own gifts as well as the different gifts of others, including their children – if there is an interest. This information is also excellent for understanding how our gifts can be used in the church.
I plan to meet with all the current study groups to familiarize myself with them. From what I have heard, they are all
self-governed so I do not anticipate needing to monitor them -- just keeping them encouraged.
If you have any input concerning any of these proposals, I would welcome your wisdom and perspective.
I am looking forward to serving the Lord and His people in this way. (attached from Marcia)
Facilities & Maintenance – none
New Business –
Jeff Hamer
1- Membership roll,
Discussion of dismissal of inactive members the process in doing so and who is responsible for it. How can we
encourage new members? Need to define membership, currently we have attendees who are very active but cannot
be on counsel since they are not members, they can be on a commission though. Should there be a different
category that allows those who do not believe in membership have a council seat? Concluded that there needs to be
more discussion. Possibly form a committee to look into this further.
2-Bylaws and Council job descriptions
It is important that we are abiding by the bylaws. Pastor will ask Danielle to e-mail out the most recent By-laws to
the Council members prior to next meeting so we can discuss further membership and the job description of each
council position.
3-Sunday Church start time
Is the 10:30 start time still a trial? Is the earlier Sunday school a success? Pro’s and cons. Originally the 10:30 start was
so there would be a separate SS to focus on the children and draw the parents in, it also allowed the Sunday school
teachers to attend Sunday service. There have been complaints regarding the later start by church attendees who feel
10:30 cuts into their day too much. Possible solutions: Change back to 10:00 am start, shorter sermon? Need in put:
what does the congregation want? Pastor can mention it in his pondering ‘s, council can be asking individuals their
opinion, perhaps addressed from the podium- Pastor will ponder the solution.
Other Business - Gene brought up regarding Marcia B that she is still a licensed pastor, who could be helpful in many
arenas in our Valley, should we designate her as a domestic missionary? Agreed that it would require a vote.
Closing take home: Be a family that can share differences in unity.
Kelly Alumbaugh will do the devotional for February.
Next Council Meeting on February 10, 2020 6 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Monday, January 13,2020
Present: Al Bisnett, Kelly Alumbaugh, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Gene Westlund, Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer, Marcia Butchart, Carrie Stokes
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm
Pastor Jeff Palmberg provided the devotional from the devotional Luminous by David Beck, Challenge: Are we allowing
Jesus to shine through us? Are we a light to others? Pastor Jeff opened with prayer.
A motion was made to approve the December 9th , 2019 minutes, it was seconded and the minutes were approved.
River Bank Report- Jerry H and Al B expect to know more next meeting regard the SEPA permit that they are working
with the Town of Twisp on.
Treasurer Report – Al explained the summary report along with budget vs monthly and budget vs actual. Next month
there will be an adjustment column added to the summary sheet.(attached)
A motion was made to approve the December Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded and the motion carried.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – Current sermon series goes through Feb 9th. 02.16.20 will be the beginning the next Immerse
series “Poets”. Pastor will be attending the mid winter Pastor’s conference in Chicago the last week of Jan, 2020.
Discussion regarding fill in speakers. Mike Liu would like to speak on his last trip to India at some point.
CE Report – The children are playing the bells during the Advent season. Prayer Kids will be starting up again in the
spring. An adult from the congregation is matched with a child for prayer. VBS next year will be June 22-28. A CE
Commission meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 6:30pm. Nancy asked for prayers for the three CE directors and
for families in our church going through difficult times.
Missions Report –In December we were privileged to see pictures of the finished bathrooms at Los Ninos Con Fe
orphanage. Our church was faithful with a love offering for this project raising $ 8,700 for its completion. At the end of
the year we were blessed with a budget surplus. We were able to give $1500 to David and Edna Dalton toward heir new
orphanage building project. They are hoping to at least double their current capacity. We gave $500 to Lightshine for
the training of orphan caregivers, $300 to CareNet to assist in caring for and discipling young women who are in a
pregnancy crisis and $200 to Coach’s Corner for outreach to our local community.
We have recently received reports from the Alverts we support in Alaska, Steve Newton flying in Micronesia, the Daltons
in Pakistan and the Nicholas School in Guatemala. Everyone is grateful for our help but all these ministries face
continuing challenges. May God continue to guide us and help us to do our part. (attached)
Adult Ed - Jeff and Danielle initiated an orientation with me. At that meeting on 12-4-19, we discussed a few ideas to
explore about additional options for adult education:
Planning meeting times with people who can’t come to church on Sunday, Having a Bible Study in a public place to advance evangelism, Lisa Whatley and I have an appointment for Tuesday, January 14, so I can observe the operation of MOYO and discuss, further AE in that venue.
On Sunday, Susie Larson asked if I would attend the CE meeting this past Wednesday. They are taking another look at Sunday School for parents, perhaps offering optional classes. At the meeting, I proposed a class in 2 the Motivational Gifts as described in Romans 12 which helps people to understand their own gifts as well as the different gifts of others, including their children – if there is an interest. This information is also excellent for understanding how our gifts can be used in the church.
I plan to meet with all the current study groups to familiarize myself with them. From what I have heard, they are all
self-governed so I do not anticipate needing to monitor them -- just keeping them encouraged.
If you have any input concerning any of these proposals, I would welcome your wisdom and perspective.
I am looking forward to serving the Lord and His people in this way. (attached from Marcia)
Facilities & Maintenance – none
New Business –
Jeff Hamer
1- Membership roll,
Discussion of dismissal of inactive members the process in doing so and who is responsible for it. How can we
encourage new members? Need to define membership, currently we have attendees who are very active but cannot
be on counsel since they are not members, they can be on a commission though. Should there be a different
category that allows those who do not believe in membership have a council seat? Concluded that there needs to be
more discussion. Possibly form a committee to look into this further.
2-Bylaws and Council job descriptions
It is important that we are abiding by the bylaws. Pastor will ask Danielle to e-mail out the most recent By-laws to
the Council members prior to next meeting so we can discuss further membership and the job description of each
council position.
3-Sunday Church start time
Is the 10:30 start time still a trial? Is the earlier Sunday school a success? Pro’s and cons. Originally the 10:30 start was
so there would be a separate SS to focus on the children and draw the parents in, it also allowed the Sunday school
teachers to attend Sunday service. There have been complaints regarding the later start by church attendees who feel
10:30 cuts into their day too much. Possible solutions: Change back to 10:00 am start, shorter sermon? Need in put:
what does the congregation want? Pastor can mention it in his pondering ‘s, council can be asking individuals their
opinion, perhaps addressed from the podium- Pastor will ponder the solution.
Other Business - Gene brought up regarding Marcia B that she is still a licensed pastor, who could be helpful in many
arenas in our Valley, should we designate her as a domestic missionary? Agreed that it would require a vote.
Closing take home: Be a family that can share differences in unity.
Kelly Alumbaugh will do the devotional for February.
Next Council Meeting on February 10, 2020 6 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Carrie Schroeder Stokes, Council Secretary
Community Covenant Church Council MeetingMonday, December 9, 2019
Present: Al Bisnett, John Fleming, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Maryann Timchalk, Gene Westland, Paul White, Incoming Council Members: Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer.
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm
John provided the devotional from the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, John opened with prayer.
A motion was made to approve the November 11, 2019 minutes, it was seconded and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer Report – Al reported that income is above budget, expenses are below budget. Therefore, finances are in good condition.
A motion was made to approve the November Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded and the motion carried.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – Beyond Jeff’s usual tasks, Jeff and Tami visited family over Thanksgiving, allowing Jeff to spend a good amount of time with his mom. He realized how important grief support is and perhaps some resources available at the church would be a good idea.
CE Report – The children are playing the bells during the Advent season. Prayer Kids will be starting up again in the spring. An adult from the congregation is matched with a child for prayer. VBS next year will be June 22-28. A CE Commission meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 6:30pm. Nancy asked for prayers for the three CE directors and for families in our church going through difficult times.
Missions Report – Paul and Grisela Eckland returned from Mexico with pictures showing good progress on the bathrooms at the orphanage. They are both struggling with health issues since their return and Gene asked for prayer for them. An email of encouragement was sent to David Daniels in Pakistan. He and his wife are remaining very busy in their mission work. From Steve Newton and Pacific Missions Aviation sad news came that his maintenance supervisor Simon’s wife was killed in a terrorist shooting. Gene requests prayer for Simon. As the end of the year approaches, there are some surplus funds in the budget and the commission is praying about how to distribute them.
Facilities & Maintenance - none
Riverbank Discussion – none
Other Business - none
Jeff P. will do the devotional for January.
Next Council Meeting on January 13, 2020
Meeting was adjourned at 6:43pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Maryann Timchalk, Council Secretary
Present: Al Bisnett, John Fleming, Nancy Friggione, Jerry Heller, Jeff Palmberg, Maryann Timchalk, Gene Westland, Paul White, Incoming Council Members: Mike Kedrowski, Jeff Hamer.
The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm
John provided the devotional from the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, John opened with prayer.
A motion was made to approve the November 11, 2019 minutes, it was seconded and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer Report – Al reported that income is above budget, expenses are below budget. Therefore, finances are in good condition.
A motion was made to approve the November Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded and the motion carried.
Pastor Jeff’s Report – Beyond Jeff’s usual tasks, Jeff and Tami visited family over Thanksgiving, allowing Jeff to spend a good amount of time with his mom. He realized how important grief support is and perhaps some resources available at the church would be a good idea.
CE Report – The children are playing the bells during the Advent season. Prayer Kids will be starting up again in the spring. An adult from the congregation is matched with a child for prayer. VBS next year will be June 22-28. A CE Commission meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 6:30pm. Nancy asked for prayers for the three CE directors and for families in our church going through difficult times.
Missions Report – Paul and Grisela Eckland returned from Mexico with pictures showing good progress on the bathrooms at the orphanage. They are both struggling with health issues since their return and Gene asked for prayer for them. An email of encouragement was sent to David Daniels in Pakistan. He and his wife are remaining very busy in their mission work. From Steve Newton and Pacific Missions Aviation sad news came that his maintenance supervisor Simon’s wife was killed in a terrorist shooting. Gene requests prayer for Simon. As the end of the year approaches, there are some surplus funds in the budget and the commission is praying about how to distribute them.
Facilities & Maintenance - none
Riverbank Discussion – none
Other Business - none
Jeff P. will do the devotional for January.
Next Council Meeting on January 13, 2020
Meeting was adjourned at 6:43pm.
These minutes were taken humbly and respectfully by Maryann Timchalk, Council Secretary